One must have a clear goal in his mind, which must be handled collectively in a teamwork effort and then registered and detailed in a document, analyzing in a precise manner what one intends to harvest from that project, which will then be visualized and evaluated by many people.
What do we want? Do we want the viewers to like the brand? To buy the products? To know how we work? To share to video? To support a cause?If all these questions are properly defined internally speaking, the video will be ready for the launch, and then we just have to wait for a – we hope – mostly positive feedback.However, regardless of what the video’s goal is, there has to be a strong foundation that supports it, built from scratch. This way, it will be easier to measure if the goal has reached the final goal or not.
1 – Search engines
Watch out, videos are also optimized for search engines!
The title’s keywords and meta description have a major role in the way a given video spreads itself throughout social media platforms and on the web.
In a perfect scenario, a video would be framed as one of the main topics on the internet (we don’t want to call it “viral”, but it’s almost like that), with this happening because the spectators are already following a certain topic/quadrant and they’ll see its related videos. It’s a way to make sure that if the video was put in the right place and framing, it will be shared and viewed lots of times.
2 - Quality above all else
That’s the video’s essence, which will determine if people will enjoy it or not.
The graphic and content’s quality should be top-notch in order to draw the audience’s attention. The best way to do that is to keep the video within an ideal timeframe – short, straight to the point, so people can have an enjoyable watching experience without getting bored by it. If it happens to be watched until the end, it’s likely that our audience has enjoyed the share and we’ll come back in the future to watch something.
A balance has also to be found, mainly when it comes to the message. For instance, if the main (key) subject is given right in the beginning, probably the interest will decrease and viewers will be lost.
3 – Social Media Platforms
If a spectacular video was created, by taking into consideration some of the previous points, the next step is to share it where it’s more logical to do so. If the audience happens to be quite young, you can also consider Snapchat or Instagram. The main and essential, for any kind of audience, are the big ‘sharks’: Facebook, YouTube and Vimeo (the latter is often associated with a more professional concept), which are more comprehensive when it comes to sharing. So, if our target is included in these platforms, we should take advantage of it!
Bottom line, it all depends on the type of business and the goals you want to reach. Thus, according to what suits the brand more, social media platforms arise as a marketing tool.
4 – Online ads
The foundation of these ads is its targeting, which envisages spectators who have previously shown some kind of interest in a product or service that our company may offer as well. These are short videos, with half a minute at most, which depict in an objective manner the promotional and informative message which you want to spread. They pop up more frequently before a video display (on YouTube, for example), one picked by the spectator.
The goal is to guide them through the brand’s website, making him convert into a prospect and then into a buyer. If this happens, our campaign is already a success.
But why is this so important? Because, as you may know, generating new traffic on a website is a tough job, so if the prospect has shown some curiosity about a certain area, in which we happen to operate, it makes all the sense to invite him to see our offering.
5 – Share, Share and Share
As you can imagine, without spreading there’s no awareness. You’d have to be extremely lucky to see your explainer video reaching a wide audience by just embedding it in a company’s website (note: we’re not talking about Google nor eBay!).
Currently, it’s rather easy to promote a digital product, instead of relying on physical means, in which the share’s evolution is much slower, exactly because they’re palpable.
Thus, we present other spreading possibilities.
6 - Conventions or conferences
The explainer can be the best friend of a brand’s commercial representative, having the ability of, within a short timeframe, to present the business’s strongest topics, totally drawing the audience’s attention and quickly generating a group of potential buyers.
It’s a semi-traditional mean of spreading, but one that is really effective.